Comprehensive Battery Services

R&D, Cell Building, Testing & Analysis


R&D Collaborations

Wildcat will use its deep battery materials R&D and expertise to produce an innovative nickel- and cobalt-free product pipeline.

Unique High Throughput Platform that can synthesize in parallel thousands of formulations each with a different combination of active material, additives, dopants etc.
Collaborating with Wildcat can help identify the best cathode pair with the best anode and electrolyte to create the best performing cell for your KPIs
Up to date, more than 500k experiments performed in more than 225 collaborative partnerships with more than 85 leading global customers

Electrode Coating

Wildcat can provide customers with electrode sheets and rolls tailored to their specifications.

Small planetary mixers for development slurries as well as larger planetary mixers for high surface area materials
Strict Quality Check for all steps of the mixing process (pH, rheology, density, Hegman, etc.)
Flexible coating capabilities for small (40m) electrode films, in single and double side coating configurations


Wildcat can utilize its long expertise to fabricate a variety of different pouch cell designs for its customers.

Optimized pouch Cell assembly capabilities with various designs available:

  • Single layer pouch cell
  • Multi layer pouch cell (~1-2Ah)
  • Large multi layer pouch cell (~20Ah)

Building capacity of ~200-500 cells/month
Cells are built in a custom Dry Room environment using thoroughly proven assembly techniques


Wildcat’s unique, custom made, cell testing hardware are now available for lease.

In-house designed, developed and fabricated testing towers (Eco-Stat) with unique capabilities:

  • 36 individual temperatures per tower
  • Unlimited temperature changes per experiment
  • Fast temperature changes (~20min)
  • Temperature logging on every cell
  • Stable to +/-0.01°C, eliminates all data noise due to temperature fluctuations

Currently 2000+ pouch cell test channels are available at Wildcat with cell skin-temperature monitoring and Linear Displacement Measurement (LDM) capabilities for cell expansion
Custom cell testing fixtures that can accommodate a wide variety of pouch cell form-factors


Wildcat can enable a more flexible environment for your data processing needs.

In addition to providing our partners with the data generated from the testing, Wildcat is offering services related to data processing, analysis and reporting
Data can be evaluated based on your KPIs and comprehensive reports can be created and be available upon request
Data can be plotted according to your request, making them readily available for your internal evaluation and reporting